
記事を閉じる cybamor  投稿者: cybamor     No.16665 URL

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About Punishment

Punishment is an Act of Will, just like Victim Punishment.

Whatever the reason for punishment, it will have a negative effect on the punishee, regardless of whether it is unconscious harm or a conscious attempt to teach.

What this means is that punishees have a choice in the type and effect of any punishment, even if they do not choose it.

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記事を閉じる schnega  投稿者: schnega     No.16664 URL

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記事を閉じる natatte  投稿者: natatte     No.16661 URL

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記事を閉じる sianwhi  投稿者: sianwhi     No.16658 URL

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Key features
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記事を閉じる enrheav  投稿者: enrheav     No.16657 URL

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Deciding to the category, above written brief description of main functions of Sarbyx will be examined by the author.
For example, you can turn off the computer at night and unlock it using a password.
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記事を閉じる waimzeal  投稿者: waimzeal     No.16656 URL

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