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記事を閉じる havwha  投稿者: havwha     No.16424 URL

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記事を閉じる volythor  投稿者: volythor     No.16420 URL

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Free version works, and you can export the XML script as is, but the paid version has more features. On top of the slideshow, you can animate the photos position, add a transition effect, lock the audio input, or even export all layers of the slideshow separately. It has to be said that exporting the XML timeline is still very much only half baked, and might need some time before it’s again fine to use. Of course, it’s still far more convenient 50e0806aeb volythor

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記事を閉じる goldhau  投稿者: goldhau     No.16418 URL

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記事を閉じる benwreyg  投稿者: benwreyg     No.16417 URL

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記事を閉じる benwreyg  投稿者: benwreyg     No.16416 URL

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