
記事を閉じる nekrenn  投稿者: nekrenn     No.15927 URL

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That’s exactly the problem that’s been discovered by Carmen Santos. Sadly, it looks like this bug could be present on all cases for Windows 10 and earlier.
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記事を閉じる nekrenn  投稿者: nekrenn     No.15926 URL

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The set contains several categories and four variations per icon, making it easier to find the right look for your version of Windows.

Users with Nvidia GeForce graphics cards might need to have an Nvidia graphics card in order to use this icon pack, as the icons were made for you guys! I'll be adding the GTX 780 version later, but the current version's supported are: GTX 550 Ti, GTX 650, GTX 750, GTX 760, GTX 770 and GTX 780.

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記事を閉じる zaveever  投稿者: zaveever     No.15925 URL

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記事を閉じる ellglen  投稿者: ellglen     No.15924 URL

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記事を閉じる precoun  投稿者: precoun     No.15923 URL

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記事を閉じる necherv  投稿者: necherv     No.15922 URL

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記事を閉じる necherv  投稿者: necherv     No.15921 URL

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Community Wiki

This message board is meant as a place to discuss Cassiopeia. If you'd like to submit a new post, speak up! Before you ask "How do I do that?", learn first at this link. The software lives on your computer.

This message is closed, but first react to this post.Then remove last post and leave a comment. R.I.P

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記事を閉じる ginell  投稿者: ginell     No.15920 URL

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記事を閉じる ginell  投稿者: ginell     No.15919 URL

All files that are downloaded are stored in status window. You may change the location of the downloaded files with a specified path or in the program configuration.

The BitsMonitor may have one of the following three modes:

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記事を閉じる ndapkal  投稿者: ndapkal     No.15918 URL

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